We want to ensure that students arrive to school feeling relaxed and ready to start the day with a clear head. Our College is easily accessible from Beeliar Village Shopping Centre, Cockburn Station, Fremantle Station and Murdoch Station.

762 Seton Catholic College – Beeliar

532 Seton Catholic College - Beeliar Village Shopping Centre

512 Seton Catholic College - Murdoch Station

511 Murdoch Station – Fremantle Station

511 Fremantle Station – Murdoch Station

If you experience any issues with the above services please contact Transperth.

SETON Private BUS Service

A charter bus is available servicing areas North and South of Seton, giving trouble free and safe transport to and from the following suburbs: Myaree, Melville, Palmyra, Bicton, Attadale, Willagee, Coolbelup, Bibra Lake, Spearwood, Hamilton Hill, Coogee, North Coogee, Munster, Beeliar, Yangebup, Cockburn Central, Success.


Seton Private Bus Map

Southern Suburbs Bus Route: Please note that due to roadworks a temporary stop has been added on Hammond Road before Jubilee Ave (near Emmanuel Catholic College).

Seton Catholic College has partnered with Rollcall, a feature rich app that allows users the ability to view and track their child’s bus in real time and see the status of their children including the time they scanned on and off the bus. The app also allows parents and caregivers to manage bus changes, payments, set alerts (like scan on and off notifications) and more.

FAQ about Rollcall and Seton’s Private Buses

Easy and flexible payments: Through Rollcall you will be able to add funds to your Student Smartcard and only pay for the trips that are taken. Students will tap on and off the bus and the cost of the fare will be automatically deducted from your Rollcall account. While the student smartrider card can be used for both Transperth and Seton Private Bus Service the credit on each account is separate. If you are wanting to load money for use of the Transperth Public Bus please visit their website.

Cost for Seton’s Private Bus Service: The Private Charter Bus Service is heavily subsidised by Seton and the charge is substantially less than many other schools charge for their private bus services. Students catching a bus to and from the closest 4 stops to the school (Southern Bus) and the closest 2 stops (northern Bus) will pay $1.50 per ride and all other areas will pay $2 per ride.

Sibling discount: A sibling discount will still apply for families who have 3 or more children catching the bus. Please email if you would like to take advantage of this discount.

Does my child need to tap on and off with their Smartrider card? Yes. If they do not tap off they will be charged more than the subsidised rate.

Does my child need to have their smartrider for every ride? Yes. They will be able to catch the bus without their smartrider, but may be charged a penalty fee if they repeatedly forget their card.

What if my child doesn’t have a card yet? All students have a new SmartRider ordered for them when they start at Seton. For students beginning at the start of the year, SmartRiders will be issued on their first day of Term 1. Students who enrol mid-year will also have their SmartRider ordered on their behalf. These can take up to two weeks to arrive, but students can still catch the bus without the card during this period and will not be charged a penalty fee.

What if my child has lost their Smartrider card? New cards can be ordered through Parent SEQTA. Please visit the Parent SEQTA homepage for the link. New cards are $5 and take around 2 weeks to arrive. Your child will receive a direct message when the card arrives. 

Where does my child go to catch the bus after school? Both the Northern bus and Southern bus leave from the gates on Marchant Rd. There is always a teacher on duty at these gates. If your child is unsure, they can always approach the teacher on duty.

How will they know which bus to get on? There are two buses, the Northern Melville bus and the Southern Coogee bus. Both buses have signage in their front window. If your child is still unsure, they should ask the teacher on duty or the bus driver. 

Will the bus stop at every stop? The bus does not automatically stop at every stop. When your child’s stop is approaching they will need to stand up and move to the front of the bus. This will alert the bus driver to stop.

Bus drivers: The drivers who drive these routes have been doing so for years. This means they know the routes and they know the students who use the bus. 

Exclusive use: Only Seton students use the private bus service.

Who do I talk to if I have a question about the Private Bus Service? Please direct all queries about Seton’s Private Bus Service to

Who do I talk to if I have a question about the Transperth bus? Please visit the Transperth Website to obtain information or direct queries about Transperth Buses to our Dean of Students, Sally Penson: