There is no prerequisite for this course
A second language is lifelong gift. This General course is designed to enable students to gain knowledge and an understanding of the culture and the language of Italian-speaking communities. The course focuses on the interrelationship of language and culture, and equips students with the skills needed to function in an increasingly globalised society, a culturally and linguistically diverse local community, and provides them with the foundation for life-long language learning.
Year 11
Unit 1: This unit focuses on Questo mio mondo (Here and now). Through the three topics: Presentiamoci! (Let’s introduce ourselves!), La vita quotidiana dei giovani in Italia (Daily life of young people in Italy), and La tecnologia nella vita quotidiana (Technology in daily life), students develop communication skills in Italian and gain an insight into the language and culture.
Unit 2: This unit focuses on Cose da fare, luoghi da visitare! (Things to do, places to go!). Through the three topics: Il mio quartiere (My neighbourhood), Lavoro e divertimento in Italia (At work and at leisure in Italy), and La tecnologia e il tempo libero (Technology and leisure), students develop communication skills in Italian and gain an insight into the language and culture.
Year 12
Unit 1: This unit focuses on Vivere sani (A healthy life). Through the three topics: Una vita in forma! (A healthy lifestyle), Cosa fanno gli italiani per stare bene (How Italian-speakers stay healthy), and Un ritorno allo slow food (A return to slow food), students continue to develop communication skills in Italian and gain further insight into the language and culture.
Unit 2: This unit focuses on Italia ci aspetta! (Italy awaits!). Through the three topics: Destinazione Italia (Destination Italy), Gli italiani in vacanza (Italians on holiday), and Viaggiare oggi (Travel in a modern world), students continue to develop their communication skills in Italian and gain an insight into the language and culture.
More detailed course info can be found HERE.
Oral communication
Response - Listening
Response - Viewing and Reading
Written communication