Students are placed into one of the following courses based on their Year 9 English grades, along with a teacher recommendation concerning effort, attitude and behaviour. At the end of the first semester all performances will be reviewed and course changes may be made. Enrolment in one of these courses does not mean automatic acceptance in the related courses in Years 11 and 12 as subject prerequisites still have to be met.

Year 10 Introduction to Literature Atar

This course is for students who have demonstrated a high level of competency in Accelerated English. The course target students who are aiming to study Literature Atar in Years 11 and 12.

Year 10 Introduction to English Atar

This course is for students who performed soundly in Year 9 General English, as well as those students in Accelerated English who have not been placed in Year 10 Introduction to Literature Atar. It is aimed at students who are aiming to study English Atar in Years 11 and 12.

Year 10 Introduction to English General

This course is for students who have needed extra support in English in Year 9 and are not aiming for a university pathway. It is designed to prepare students for Years 11 and 12 English General, TAFE, the workforce and VET.

Year 10 English

This course is designed for students who have not achieved the literacy benchmark in Naplan as it aims primarily at preparing them for OLNA. It will also prepare students for Years 11 and 12 English General, TAFE, the workforce and VET.