Seton Catholic College is proud to offer a number of Academic, General and Specialist Scholarships.

General and Specialist Scholarships for Prospective students ONLY

Scholarships for Current Students oNLY

The Year “Dux” Scholarship

The College is also proud to support current students who have a proven outstanding academic record. Scholarships will be awarded to the Dux of Year 7, Year 8, Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11. These will be awarded at the end of each year at the Seton Awards Night. The value of these Scholarships will be 100% remission for the following year’s School Tuition Fees.

St Emilie de Vialar Scholarship

When the St Brendan’s and De Vialar Colleges amalgamated to form Seton Catholic College in 1990, past students of the Sisters of St Joseph of the Apparition decided to award an annual scholarship to commemorate their contribution to education in the Fremantle area. 

The St Emilie de Vialar Year 12 Scholarship online application link will be emailed to families of all Year 11 students in August each year. Closing date for applications will be at the end of October each year. The Scholarship presentation will take place early in the following year (recipients will be in Year 12). Please click HERE for more information about the Scholarship.